Why you should choose Language Link Academic today!
47 years of international reputation,
26 years of experience
in Vietnam
19 years of collaboration
with Hanoi DoET,
14 years of cooperation
with public schools
Hundreds of qualified teachers
from all over the world
Millions of students
in the whole country
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Công ty Language Link Việt Nam, GCNĐKDN số 0101253423 cấp ngày 19/12/2006 bởi Sở KH&ĐT Tp. Hà Nội.
Trụ sở chính: Tầng 2, Tòa nhà 34T, đường Hong Đạo Thúy, P.Trung Hòa, Q.Cầu Giấy, Tp. Hà Nội. SĐT: 02462566888. Email: ask@languagelink.vn.